What is Digital Localisation and How Important is it to Business Growth?
Today, there are few businesses that want to stand still and let others tap into their potential market. There has been a huge growth potential since the internet started to spread throughout the world, opening up the potential for digital business growth for those who are quick off the mark. The internet in itself is a tool that is in constant use by businesses as a way of attracting new customers. However, there is evidence that those businesses that do not market to potential customers who do not speak the usual language of the business will lose out on potential growth.
The majority of marketing campaigns generally are most effective in the business’s country, but not overseas. Businesses need to go a step further in the global market and go for business localization which involves translating and localizing all their marketing information. This attracts new customers as they can access all the information they need to know about the product before making a purchase. This is called digital localization and is the best strategy to use in the world market. There are many translation companies around the world that offer digital translation services and localization services.
What is digital localization?
Digital localization includes translation and it showcases advertising and marketing material for a business’s product in the language of the intended customer with allowances made by adapting the language in the translation to suit the cultural preferences of the intended customer. The value of the translating and localization of products is expected to reach up to $72 billion globally by 2021. It is in fact a business in itself.
Digital localization characteristics
1. Localizing a Website
One thing any business should take note of is that most of its potential customers will only buy a product from an internet site if the features of the desired product are written in their native language. Added to this is that every translation has to be accurate and adhere to the cultural aspects of the country the business is targeting. Anything that is portrayed in images has to fit in with the cultural preferences of the country.
2. Localizing an App
App localization should be part of digital localization for any business. Today, there are available throughout the world as many as 5 million apps covering both iOs and Android mobile products. When an app is correctly localized, the app’s name, a user’s interface, and metadata from the app store are understood immediately by a potential customer in its geographical area. Any business which is following the road to digital localization needs to be aware of the importance of apps for a global marketing tactic
By 2020, there is expected to be a $188.9 billion industry focused on app localization. More and more apps are being developed every day for a multitude of applications.
3. Localizing of Software
Software localization is another burgeoning industry aimed at increasing business opportunities. Currently, this has an annual value of at least $500 billion. Software is often the key to understanding how a product works and localized software is another attraction for a global customer. No customer will choose to buy a smart electronic product matched to a computer unless there is localized software available to use.
4. Localizing of Digital Content
When localizing digital content includes adapting both text and images so that it suits a particular geographical region. One example is the use of color imagery. Color is used differently as a marker depending on the location in the world. Potential customers from different cultures and countries may misinterpret marketing material if it is represented in a color that they either do not recognize or are unable to relate to. Localizing color is part of localization for a business.
5. Features of a Good Digitally Localized Product
A successful localized product or service is one that has taken the local culture into consideration. This includes adapting to the particular time zone, currency, public holidays, and local color and taking into consideration attitudes towards gender which differ markedly throughout the world. Any type of digital localization needs to be adopted by the business’s chosen digital localization services to account for variations in the way SEO is used globally for example the incorporation of appropriate keywords in the localized marketing material. A well digitally localized website will include localized chatbots and virtual agents who are able to respond quickly in the right language to customer questions in real-time.
In summary, any business that is unable to adapt its marketing tactics with digital content localization has no chance of competing with other competitors who are willing to take on this relatively new and important marketing tactic. There are many digital translation services and localization services to help businesses to get on the road to providing a global profile for their products.