This information is very important. Please read it carefully prior to ordering your translation.
- Many languages do not use the Western "A to Z" alphabet. Examples are Arabic, Japanese, Russian, and Hindi. It is in the nature of these languages that so called "proper nouns" (names of people, places, and organisations) can be translated in more than one way. For example, the Arabic name محمد can be translated as Muhammad, Mohammad, Mohamed, Muhamad, and many more variations. There is no right or wrong – it is personal preference.
- It is important that you as the client provide us with all preferred spellings before we start the translation. Without having all preferred spellings, the translator will only be able to guess the correct spelling, which might frustrate you and cause delays.
- We are happy to implement your suggestions, but only within the legal framework in Australia. This means that preferences are limited to pronunciation issues. We are not allowed to and will not under any circumstances change the order of name components, change a name significantly, omit a name or part of a name, or add a name or part of a name.
- It is also not legal for translators in Australia to anglicise personal names in a translation (such as Piotr to Peter, or Dimitrios to James). This used to be allowed, but not anymore; so even if you have an old translation in which a name was anglicised, it cannot be repeated now.
- The regulations on identity fraud in Australia are strict. If your document contains information that you don't like, you need to discuss this with the respective authority. Our accredited NAATI translators translate what is on the document — no more and no less. We do not "fix" documents. If you think that the outcome of the translation might not satisfy you because the information on the original document is incorrect, do not place an order. Should you raise such concerns afterwards, then you will not be entitled to a refund.
- You are welcome to provide us with an old/existing translation of your document; however, as per Australian laws, we will not replicate mistakes that are on the old translation. We come across a lot of "official translations" (even Australian ones) with incorrect/non-compliant translations of proper nouns.
- Please also note that repeated requests to alter a translation beyond what is legally allowed must be reported by us to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.